Fellow non-drinker here! I've never been a big drinker, but I stopped drinking in March 2020 and never looked back. Best decision ever. Love it here!! Go you, go us. 💛

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I quit as I had to. It was killing me and I was very ill indeed. But that was 13 years ago, and I have changed my life completely. I'm also a Vegan - I find more people find my veganism hard to deal with than the sobriety. Mainly because I don't hang out where drunk people are haha.

My partner, I met while sober, and he is happy to have no alcohol in the house and neither of my adult children like the taste of alcohol. For me, alcohol is just not a part of my world.

My world is so much better for it!

Looking forward to reading more of your writing.

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This is a pretty interesting topic for a newsletter 🥹🥹 personally I'm too young to drink but Imo this can help many people who are struggling with drinking. keep writing !!<3

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This is a very sweet comment thank you so much 🥹 always good to share any piece of advice no matter your age! 🩷

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